Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I came across an ebelskiver pan on QVC the other day while I was checking out the kitchen gadget section.  I am a gadget-aholic, so I check out new stuff frequently.  Ebelskivers are Danish puff pancakes that you can fill with all sorts of fillings such as jams, chocolate, peanut butter, etc. I bought one of these pans yesterday while at Target. I threw it into the cart and hoped my husband would like them so he wouldn't ask how much it cost :) 

I was too tired to try it out last night, so I tried it this morning.  I checked blogs to build up my knowledge base on how to cook these things.  You have to flip them over to make them round.  Needless to say that takes a little practice.  I also think I made the batter a little too thin.  The advice said to make a regular pancake batter but make it thinner.

Sorry the pics aren't the greatest.  I made these at 5:30 this morning and that is a shadow of my head on the plate. 

I will try them again later.  I saw some yummy recipes such as cinnamon bun ebelskivers, chocolate with chocolate centers, and even cornbread with cheese in the middle. 

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely have to get one of these pans. I don't know when I would ever have time to use it, but these look really good.
